This privacy policy is designed to serve those who are concerned about how their personal information is used on the Internet.Personal data, as defined by the Personal Data Protection Act, are data that can be used independently or with other personal identification, contact or finding information, or to identify an individual. Please read our Privacy Policy carefully to understand how we collect, use, protect or otherwise process your personal information on our website.
When signing up for a newsletter, we store your email address and the name you are registered with, which does not necessarily correspond to your real name.
We do not respond to incorrectly entered information such as wrong e-mail address or incorrectly entered name.
We collect information when signing up for a newsletter.
Your information we collect when signing up for a newsletter and viewing the page is used for the following purposes:
at the bottom of the received e-mail notification there is a login link or send an e-mail message from the address you registered to the email system listed at the bottom of the page and ask for deletion
Our websites are regularly monitored to avoid security leaks and known system vulnerabilities to make your visit as safe as possible.
We regularly use malware scanning and we comply with the PCI-DSS standard.
Your personal information is kept behind a secured network and is only available to a limited number of persons who have special rights to access such systems and are obliged to keep information secret.
Each of your communications according to our site is secured with an advanced SSL certificate with 256 bit encryption.
You can check your connection security in SSL Checker
That. Columns are small files that a site or its service provider transfers to your computer’s hard drive via the web browser (if you allow it), which allows the page system or service provider to recognize your browser and keep and remember certain information. They are also used to help us understand your preferences based on your previous or current activity on the site, which allows us to provide you with better services. Cookies are also used to help collect comprehensive traffic information on your site and to interact, all in order to offer you better user experience and tools in the future.
Note: Our system does not allow any authentication of the actual user using cookies.
We use cookies for:
We can also use trusted third-party services to track this information in our needs.
You can choose to alert your computer every time a cookie is sent or you can choose to disable all cookies. You can do this through web browser settings (like Internet Explorer). Each browser is a bit different, so see your browser’s “Help” menu to learn the correct way to change your cookies.
If a user disables cookies in their browser:
if you disable cookies, some features will be disabled. This will exclude some of the features that make your user experience on our site more effective and some of our services will not work properly.
We do not sell, market or otherwise outsource your personal information.
At times, at our discretion, we may include or offer third party information or services on our site. Third-party pages have separate and independent privacy policies. Therefore, we are not responsible for the content and activities on these sites. However, we want to protect the integrity of our site and welcome any feedback on these sites.
Along with suppliers (third party), such as Google, we use the same cookies (such as Google Analytics cookies) to compile information about the user’s interaction with the services on our web pages.
We agree to the following:
users can visit our site anonymously,
Once we’ve created privacy policies, we’ll add a link to them on our home page or on the first significant page after entering our site,
our link to the Privacy Statement includes the word “privacy” and can be easily found on the page listed above.
Users will be notified of any changes to privacy policy on our Privacy Statement page. Users can change their personal information via e-mail, talk to us, or by submitting a query.
We appreciate signals that can not be tracked or monitored, we set cookies, or we use it for advertising when the “No Monitor” (DNT) browser mechanism is set up.
It’s important to note that we allow third-party behavior to be tracked.
The Personal Data Protection Act and the Electronic Communications Act are laws that define the rules for commercial emails, establish commercial message requests, grant recipients the right to stop receiving such emails, and cite severe misdemeanor penalties. We collect your email address to:
sending information, answering questions, and / or any requests or questions,
we may be able to send you additional information related to our business
In accordance with the legal regulations, we agree to the following:
If you have any questions regarding this privacy statement you can contact us using the following information:
Roki's je obiteljska tvrtka osnovana 1991. godine kao nastavak 200-godišnje obiteljske tradicije proizvodnje vina. Legenda kaže da je prvi Roki došao iz Genove u Italiji, početkom 19. stoljeća za vrijeme Napoleonskih ratova. Radio je kao obrtnik-postolar, a ženidbom s imućnom djevojkom dobiva u posjed kuću u Pliskom Polju i nasade vinograda. Napušta svoj obrt i počinje se baviti obradom vinograda i proizvodnjom vina, djelatnostima kojima se obitelj bavi i dan danas.
Dugi niz godina obitelj Roki je prodavala vino veletrgovcima, koji su dalje prodavali vino po čitavoj regiji. Povratkom Nike Rokija iz Australije započinje novo razdoblje u proizvodnji i plasiranju vina. Početkom 1980-tih obitelj Roki među prvima u Hrvatskoj počinje flaširati svoja vina i prodavati ih po restoranima i dućanima, uglavnom po Splitu i Zagrebu.
1998. obitelj Roki proizvodi svoj prvi pjenušac „Smash“, a usporedno s rastom turizma na otoku Visu, u dvorištu kuće otvaraju konobu gdje vrše degustacije svojih vina.
2017. godine Nikina djeca Monika i Oliver počinju s izgradnjom modernog vinskog podruma-kušaone u sklopu obiteljskog restorana.
Sva naša vina su ekološka i nalaze se pod nadzorom tvrtke “Biotechnicon“ d.o.o.
Upravo zbog specifičnosti podneblja i klimatskih uvjeta na otoku Visu, već smo 20 godina ekološki proizvođači grožđa, te obrađujemo vinograde prema načelima ekološke proizvodnje.
Protiv bolesti se borimo uz pomoć sumpora i bordoške juhe i ne upotrebljavamo umjetna gnojiva.
bijelo suho, kvalitetno, alk.13,00
Vino se dobiva od autohtone sorte Bugava. Naši vinogradi s Bugavom se nalaze na predjelima Volijok i Vergotovo koji se nalaze u Dračevom polju. Kod obrade vinograda ova sorta traži jako puno pažnje i brige jer je osjetljiva na vremenske nepogode i bolesti. Ovo je vino moćne žuto zelene boje te ima voćni i izraženi bukea.
bijelo suho, kvalitetno, alk.12,5
Dobiva se od autohtone sorte Maraština ili Rukatac. Vinograd s Rukatcem se nalazi na predjelu Vošćica gdje mu pogoduje izrazito bogata zemlja pomiješana sa pijeskom. Rukatac je osjetljiv na bolesti i nametnike, a vino je izrazitog voćnog mirisa, žute boje i punog bukea.
Plavac mali
crno suho kvalitetno vino, alk.13,5
Dobiva se od sorte Plavac mali, a njegovi vinogradi se prostiru na predjelima Vela Jubišća, Milna, Vošćica i Volijok. Ova sorta ima veliki potencijal, te s godinama očekujemo i vrhunska vina koja će biti rezultat kvalitetne obrade vinograda i idealnih položaja vinograda Plavca malog.
Kako bi kupili vino (minimalna narudžba dvije boce) koju bi dostavili na vašu adresu putem Trust službe, Hp express ili DHL, molimo vas da se javite na broj: +38598303483 — Oliver Roki ili putem maila na
Plisko Polje je malo naselje koje je 7 km udaljeno od grada Visa.
Smješteno je u dolini u kojoj je u vrijeme 2. Svjetskog rata bio saveznički aerodrom, kojeg su nakon rata stanovnici pretvorili u vinograd. Zahvaljujući spomenutom aerodromu na Visu, spašeno je 218 zrakoplova i preko tisuću pilota te članova posade.
Najčešće su na viški aerodrom po gorivo stizali američki teški bombarderi nazvani “leteće tvrđave” i “Liberators”.
Kriket je na otok Vis donio Komodor William Hoste, Mladi Nelson kako su mu tepali Englezi. Vis je tada bio njegovo uporište s kojeg je pustošio francusko brodovlje po Jadranu. Da ubije dosadu svojih vojnika, osnovao je kriket klub. Vis je tada proživljavao svekoliki procvat, za samo par godina narastao je na desetak tisuća ljudi. Odlaskom Engleza, kriket je pao u zaborav.
Saznavši za ovu povijesno dokoličarsku anegdotu, povratnik iz Australije i zaljubljenik u kriket, viški vinar Niko Roki odlučio je zajedno sa sinom Oliverom obnoviti zaboravljeni sport kriketa na Visu. Uskoro se skupila respektabilna momčad, a počeo je i rad s omladinskim pogonom, improvizirao se teren, prijatelji iz bijelog svijeta donirali su skupu opremu. Vijest se pročula po svijetu tako da Vis danas ima potpuno novi kriket turizam i to najčeće izvan glavne sezone kad je svaka kuna viestruko vrjednija.
Klubovi iz cijele Europe, ali i cijelog Comonnweltha sada dolaze na Vis igrati kriket.
Kako bi naručili peku i osigurali svoje mjesto u konobi Rokis, molimo vas da nam se najavite na broj: +38598303483 — Oliver Roki. Za sva dodatna pitanja stojimo na raspolaganju.